These prices are an average for cost to give you a quick look at what a service may cost for you. For larger projects please shoot us a message so we can give you a better breakdown. For more details on each service choose which services you want more details on above and it will bring you to a page dedicated just to that.
Family photo session..................$250
Senior photos..............................$175
Discount if you and a friend book and pay together
Ceremony only......................$500
Ceremony +2 hours..............$1000
pre ceremony until dancing..$1500
Pay for full package up front and get a discount engagement photos
Single person headshot..............$150
Company headshots................................$50per person
(discount for realtors)
Pets and animals........................$150
Police K9.....................................Free
2-3 minute 4K video with photos $200
5-10 minute video with photos $300
Photos of your land $175
Pet, Deer, livestock recovery $250
(includes 1 hour of searching)
Search and rescue.....................Free
(This is free for Law Enforcement or fire only)
Deer management w/ thermal
40 acres................................$150
41-80 acres............................$200
81+ acres.......................contact us
Aerial map of your land
1-30 acres..............................$300
31-60 acres..............................$400
61-100 acres............................$500
100+.................................contact us
3D map/ model of building or land
average home.........................$200
Roof inspection w/ photos.........$130
with thermal images.............$150
Videos are difficult to give a blanket price on. Please contact us with the type of video you are seeking and we can build you a custom priced package.